Item Number: 122010001

EMV-INspektor® V2

  • Measurement of leakage, screen and interference currents
  • Parallel inspections of several measuring points
  • Permanent analysis and monitoring of the condition of the device
  • Comparison of measurement data from several measurement points
  • Fixed limit values ​​and conditions for alarms and warnings
  • Visual illustration of measurement data via web interface
  • Export of measurement data to a USB stick or via LAN interface
  • Configuration of the device via web interface

Diagnose Fieldbus and EMC problems

The increasing power density in industrial production means a higher risk of interference currents along cables and on the leading paths of power supply and equalization systems. The EMV-INspektor® V2 diagnostic tool enables automated, non-contact and uninterrupted testing that detects transient electromagnetic disturbances. Up to four current transformers can be connected to the unit. The measured values ​​are recorded separately, evaluated and then compared. EMV-INspektor® V2 displays effective values, amplitudes and frequency components for each channel. The amplitudes and the spectrum over time are visualized in a diagram.

Tekniskt datablad för EMV-INspektor V2


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