Item Number: 122010010

EMCheck® MWMZ II – Measuring clamp for equipotential bonding

    • Measurement of resistance and inductance in ground loop
    • First time: display of contact voltage
    • Warning when dangerous voltage is detected
    • Recording of up to 300 measurements, including time stamp
    • Easy handling to keep the clamp open.
    • Good visibility of all displayed data via OLED display

Measurement of equipotential bonding without interruption!

From an automation engineering perspective, the equipotential bonding function is not questioned because the functionality is taken for granted and the contact elements are primarily seen in the low voltage system. However, a secure and stable communication network, including the bus system, is connected to the equipotential bonding function. Stray currents and higher frequency currents, often caused by frequency converters, often use the screen of our data cable as the return current instead of the intended system of equipotential bonding.

Relying only on gut feeling or making intuitive judgments about the quality of existing shielding and grounding measures is rarely a good idea. The only way to ensure good equipotential bonding is by measurement. The resistance measuring clamp EMCheck® MWMZ II is the right tool for this purpose. In this way, you meet the requirements of DIN EN 50310, which are cited in the new guidelines "Functional potential equalization and shielding of PROFIBUS and PROFINET" from the World Association PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI).

EMCheck® MWMZ II consists of two coils. The first coil induces a voltage with a defined level and a frequency of 2083 Hz. The second coil measures the current induced by the first coil within the specified frequency range. The ratio of these two values ​​is used to determine and display current AC resistance (impedance). The measurement involves no interruptions and can also be carried out on conductors that already carry current during normal operation.

Tekniskt datablad för EMCheck MWMZ II


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